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Cambridge IC

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 Our list of companies that specialise in NON-CONTACT SENSORS...

Condition Monitoring in Predictive Maintenance
Vibration & NonContact Proximity
Telephone: +44(0)1442 876833 Fax: +44(0)1442 876477
Email: Web Site:

CambridgeIC's position sensing solutions give a unique combination of high performance and durability without the costs of complicated design and manufacture.
We provide non contact, absolute position sensing solutions for linear, rotary and arc measurement based on resonant inductive position sensing. Customers are able to embed non contact position encoders into their product with the minimum of effort and deploy these solutions in high volumes at low cost.
Over the past 20 years we have supported thousands of designers to integrate our technology into millions of products around the world. Visit our website to find out more or find out more about our technology approach
here to resonant inductive sensor operating principle page.
Tel: +44(0) 1223 413500
Email: Web:

Email Company & Tel. No. to to be included

Autonnic Research Ltd. - Tel: +44(0)162-186-9460
Cambridge Integrated Circuits Ltd.
- Tel: +44(0) 1223 413500
Cosense Inc - USA - Tel: (631) 231-0735
Genge & Thoma AG, Switzerland - Tel: +41 32 652 33 30
Gill Sensors - Tel: +44 (0)1590 613400
Penny & Giles - Tel: +44(0) 1202 409409
POSIC, Switzerland - Tel: +41 32 720 5400
QHi-Infrared - Tel: +44(0) 1582 461123

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